This is my first time to build a github pages, it seems like an interesting process. I use Jekyll to build my own site, and applied for a domain name for my site. I learned how to build a public web site during the prcess. Maybe it can be used to solve more use cases, like a static web shop or any other web site which do not need much interactivity.

I build this blog to record my study notes, now the world is growing faster and faster, I want to keep learning to keep up with this rhythm. At begging, I only write C Language in embedded system. However I found it’s not enough soon, C isn’t everything, some issue will be complex if I only use C. So, I try to learn other Langrages, like C++, shell, python, perl, golang and so on. My work range also from embedded system to any other industry, like backend server development and frontend page. Now I think a programmer should not be familiar with only one technology. We need to learn more to adapt to this complex and changing era. My mother Language is Chinese, now I’m working hard to learn english as my second mother language. Capital without borders, our work also have no borders. I like a word says by K.S. Li :此心安处是吾乡(“This place of mind is my hometown”).